Mailing Lists

This page contains a summary of the available mailing lists for the Club, and a short description of the function of each list and the volume of emails it handles. As a Boat Club, we mainly use mailing lists to inform the necessary groups of people of training schedules, socials and club news.

For more information, help or advice on using the boat club mailing lists, email the Computing Officer.

List Address Description Useful for… Subscribe General interest. Information about how to watch big races, updates and invitations to big Club events (such as Bumps Breakfast, Boat Club Dinners, general meetings, and some formal swaps), and the Neptunes newsletter. Staying up to date with the Club’s progress, whilst not necessarily participating in the day to day action. Ideal for ex-rowers/anyone with a casual interest in the club. Options Senior rowers only. Information on training schedules, sculling sessions, ergs, subbing requests and general river action. Necessary for senior rowers who are currently active in the club. Options Novice rowers only. Detailed training schedules, novice socials, subbing requests and race results, where applicable. Necessary for novice rowers. Options Alumnae of MECBC. Club news for people who have graduated and left the Boat Club, but still want to follow our progress. Only contains ‘big news’, the Neptunes newsletter when it is published, and invitations to alumnae socials. MECBC members who have graduated and no longer row for the Club Options MECBC Committee mailing list. Highly confidential matters concerning the precise inner workings/plotting and scheming of the club. No wonder things run so smoothly. Committee members. This list is administered by the college. Contact the Computing Officer with any queries.


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