Murray Edwards College Boat Club
Minutes for Committee Meeting 8
6th May 2012; ME Bar
Present: Wing Ying Chow, Holly Smith, Ola Janusz, Reana Maier, Emma Jones, Sally-Anne Bennett, Jenny Tollman, Georgie Field, Christina Larkin, Harri Christie, Amy Crow, Hannah Grealish, Stacey Jo, Mollie Jones, Henny Schulte de Buhne, Siena Carver, Laura Desert.
1) Apologies Chloe Wallis, Georgina Dagliesh, Natalie Skorupska, Eleanor Dickenson, Marina Steketee, Jeny Oates were unable to make the meeting.
2) W3 Boat There is the issue of having W2 and W3 sharing Owen, which is problematic when both crews have to race at the same time. The situation will be re-assessed in a few weeks. It is possible that W3 could race in Winston, but this is practically not really possible as the steering is awful. We may have to rent a boat for W3 to race in.
3) Sculling Marina will set up a doodle poll to arrange sculling sessions for those interested in trying it out this term.
4) Novices Georgie and Mollie have been successful in organising the first morning outings for the novices this week, as well as an erg session for them. LBCs are to keep track of novice erg scores for them. Georgie has added all of the novices to the mailing list.
5) Bumps Breakfast Gina will be mainly responsible for organising this event. Amy and Hannah will observe what Gina does so that they know what to do next year, and will carry out any tasks which Gina assigns to them. Gina will set a price for the tickets and a date by which people have to reply and pay if they want to attend. Siena will then be able to make posters to start publicising the event. It will take place between 9-12am on suicide Sunday. The committee and W1 will arrive at 7am in order to prepare the event. We have to make sure that we have enough cups and saucers for tea and coffee in case it is cold.
6) Neptunes Emma and Natalie have written their articles, but Natalie’s article may be changed as it is a report on Pembroke regatta, which was not the most enjoyable for W2. Ying and Holly are currently in charge of Neptunes. They have to show Molly, Siena and Harri what it involves so they can decide between them who will take over next term.
7) Stash/Zephyrs The main boatclub kit order has been done. Blazers: Amy will go to the shop to check that the ribbons are correct. Committee Stash: Sally-Anne will organise this. Crew shirts: Holly has done an octopus design for the back of the W1 shirts, and another design for W2. Do W3 want any particular design? Do W4 and novices want crew shirts? Sally-Anne will order these. Zephyrs: Emma will order these for W1.
8) LBC Complaints Ying has emailed Owen regarding the complaints, but he has not replied. She will try to talk to him about it again.
9) Blades Gina is organising this. She is in the process of getting a cost for the blades before passing this on to the relevant people.
10) Races W1, W2 and W3 will do Champs Head; W2 will do Nine Regatta; W3 will do the getting on race; if there is enough interest, maybe W4 will do the getting on race as well; W1, W2, hopefully W3, and maybe W4 will do May Bumps.
11) Boat Handling According to Bomber, Owen is becoming damaged and is likely to be going the same way as Harold (who broke in Lent Bumps 2011). He went mouldy because he had been repaired too many times due to too much accidental damage. It will be the role of the committee members in each of the boats to ensure that boat handling is done as carefully as possible. They must report any incidents (however small) to either Reana, Ying, or Sally-Anne as soon as possible so that they can pass it on to Bomber who can check that everything is alright. The sooner that something is reported, the more likely the boat will be able to be repaired well and last longer. Damage to blades should also be reported to Reana, Ying and Sally-Anne so that they can tell Bomber. Each cox, and the LCB for W4 and novices, is responsible for reporting any damages. Many W2 blades have chips out of them. One of the W2 blades is unscrewing out of its shaft. Bomber needs to check the scratches on Two Fat Ladies.
12) Subs Subs for this term were decided to be: W1: at least £25. W2: same as W1 unless conditions during the rest of term mean that a yellow flag prevents them from having outings. W3: £5 (dependent on whether or not they do bumps). W4 and novices: £10 LBCs need to tell novices now that they will have to pay so they can drop out if they want to. Sally-Anne will email everyone telling them the subs they will have to pay.
13) AOB
Georgie will record the days that Matt/Watson coaches W2 so that we know how many sessions each of them has done. In this way we will know how much to pay them.
Reana will make sure that W1, W2, and W3 are on the MECBC mailing list.
It is important to send out emails asking for subs for outings to the hermes mailing list, not just to the facebook group. Any MECBC members not on the facebook group should be added.
Reana will find last term’s document with everyone’s contact details (phone and email) and will distribute it so that people can update it if necessary. It will then be stored in a public place.
Ying has bought plasters to refill the first aid box. If anyone thinks that something is missing from the first aid kit they are free to buy it and be reimbursed by Sally-Anne or Emma, providing that they have a receipt.
We may possibly make a piece of general rowing related stash to sell to college in order to make a bit of money. Holly will do a possible design and then publicise it on the college bulletin to gauge how much interest there would be. Sally-Anne will check the cost of producing a simple t-shirt with a design on the back and the crest on the front. If a cheap option can be found then we may go ahead with the idea.
Siena will be responsible for putting up race results on the bulletin board so that we can advertise the success of the boatclub. Izzi’s success in being President of CUWR and winning the boat race should also be more widely publicised. Ying will give our race reports to college so they can publicise our progress.