W1 set off from the boathouse knowing that there was absolutely no possibility of a bump…
because we were at head station and the w1 division had the day off… we’re not that pessimistic!
The row down was strong and we got in some practice starts off the bridge and by the plough. Once
we reached station we had to spin and as usual we were in the most narrow part of the river, so
after spinning at glacial pace in order to preserve the bows, we pulled in and went through our last
minute checks of gates and footplates. Soon enough the 1 minute cannon went off and we were
being pushed out- it takes a lot for a cox to sit quietly whilst Mark chooses your line using bow and
2, luckily he chose a good one, and we were off! My favourite bit of any race, “DRAAAAAAAAAW 1!”
Our start was strong and we kept the pressure up consistently throughout the course. There were
some particularly good lifts onto the reach and out of Grassy corner; along with some very optimistic
whistles from Churchill behind us.
Overall, Churchill only really held station on us and we managed to get away by around 3 lengths by
the finish… one epic row over down… hopefully the only one of these bumps
Bring on the bottom of the top division, WELL HARD!!!! xxx
Georgie Field, cox