W1 Race Report for Winter Head

After having to queue for what seemed like hours, the whole crew were excited to start the race, especially after what seemed to have been the best row down of all term. Our moods were heightened again, after being asked across the river to join Worcester college Oxford later in the Mahal, as they were just starting their race. When we finally got to start our race, Emma set a really good rhythm for us to have a great time. The boat really started to fly as soon as Georgie called for us to take a stroke for different people in the boat. Overall with a time of 10.23, and coming 3rd out of a total of 14, W1 had a really great race. Well done ladies!

Jess Manning, W1

Queens’ Ergs Race Report

“Just like thunderdome” – Comet 260 third fastest women’s novice boat in Queens’ ergs

Queens’ ergs is somewhat of a rite of passage for any novice rower in Cambridge, and this year’s results go to show that our novices will be a force to be reckoned with during the coming terms.

The girls of “Silver Arrow” and “Comet 260” were the first to brave the storm of chants, music and yelling of the “arena”, averaging a split of 2.04.2 min (Silver Arrow) and 1.54.8 min (Comet 260) respectively. Ranking 3rd in their division, Comet 260 proceeded to the finals. Here, the crew impressed by taking over half a second off their average split (now 1.54.2 min), and were rewarded with a 3rd place behind Churchill and St. Catherine’s. “Nimbus” came 4th in their division (tied with St. Edmunds), with an average of 2.05.1 min.

This year, MECBC also teamed up with Girton Boat Club to enter a mixed senior crew (which proves that the mixture of excitement, frenzy and post-erg baked goods that is Queens’ ergs lures back even those who should know better). With an average split of 1.39.3 min, they came 10th in their division.

Queens’ ergs has once more been a fun, exhilarating and (to be cliché for just one moment) maybe even inspiring experience for both novices and seniors. Thanks to everyone who provided mental support for our competitors, especially the Lower Boats Captains Georgie, Mollie and Natalie. Finally, and most importantly, a huge cheer and WELL DONE!! to all of us who participated, especially our novices.

W1 Race Report for Autumn Head (20 Oct 2012)

Emma Jones, Stroke

Pushing off from the boat house for the first race of the year, and our first as a crew together, none of us were sure of what sort of result we could expect. We didn’t know what competition we were facing, nor did we even know what it would feel like to do a racing piece the length of the course (2.6km) in our new crew. With last year’s success to live up to however, we all wanted a victory, and we had a focused row up to the start as we prepared to do our best for the race. Being the second boat to arrive at the marshalling station, we had plenty of time to think about the race ahead while enjoying the sunshine. After Mark’s final pre-race chat, and Georgie’s attempts to get our focus in the boat, we began the paddle up to the starting line. On the call from Georgie, we began our wind strokes to bring our rate up to race pace as we passed under the motorway bridge where the course began, and we were off. We settled into a fairly solid rhythm and managed to keep the power up for the length of the race, doing a particularly effective rhythm change and push for ten coming onto the reach. Eleven minutes, twenty two seconds later we crossed the finish line, exhausted, but very happy with our row. When the results were published later in the afternoon, we were delighted to see that our efforts had paid off and that we had won the college W1 category! TANKARDS!! A great start to the new year for MECBC.

Michaelmas 2012 crews

cox: Georgie Field
S – Emma Jones
7 – Sally-Anne Bennett
6 – Mollie Jones
5 – Reana Maier
4 – Henrike Schulte-to-Buehne
3 – Jennifer Tollman
2 – Jessica Manning
1 – Harriet Christie
coach: Mark Jacobs

cox: Nadia Tsao
Laura Desert
Catherine Taylor
Siena Carver
Pauline Pilote
Lizzie Allen
Ginny Levrini
(+ novices Anna Frosig and Emily Taylor for Fairbairns)
coaches: Matt White and Rob Watson

Comet 260 (novice 1)
Cox: George Letts
Evie Hampson
Felicia Lane
Nina Jones
Rowanne Willett
Katie Knowles
Carla Bardua
Emily Dean
Katie Miles
coaches: Natalie Skorupska, Alex Massey, Georgie Field, Ginny Levrini

Silver Arrow (novice 2)
Cox: Sarah Pellew
Rosanna O’Keefe
Macarena Machimbarrena
Emily Taylor
Anna Frosig
Beth Sherwood
Alex Baddeley
Angelina Munabi
Constance Lesnianski
coaches: Georgie Field, Mollie Jones, Alex Massey, Sally-Anne Bennett

Nimbus 2000 (novice 3)
Cox: Maisie Tillisch
Emma Heydon
Alice Prodger
Anna Rolland
Ellie Khabirova
Eva Lawrence
Imogen Schon
Natasha Dean
Lucy McMahon
coaches: Reana Maier, Eve Bonner, Alex Massey

Firebolt (novice 4)
Cox: Annabel Sturgess
Ana Diac
Danya Zeng
Amy Gregg
Chloe Abbot
Kate Choong
Annelies Haemmig
Carllyn Ng
Lydia Morris
coaches: Wing Ying Chow, Laura Desert

Clean Sweep (novice 5)
Cox: Mariana Fonseca
Stefana Anita
Ashwini Ponnampalam
Nishtha Lamba
Emma Witcome
Lucy Yuan
Alicia Caunter
Hima Balachandran
Sanaz Talebian Yazdi
Jinjiao Li
Amy Shang
coaches: Natalie Skorupska, Reana Maier, Wing Ying Chow, Laura Desert

MECBC announces Barclays sponsorship

MECBC are delighted to announce that Barclays have agreed to sponsor the boat club very generously for the coming year.

The funds that we receive from Barclays will enable the club to compete in more races, buy more equipment, and pay for more and better coaching for all standards of rowers. In return, new kit sporting the Barclays logo will be worn by our girls and Barclays may also be hosting an event in College this term.

It is an essential goal of the club to make rowing accessible to everyone, and the help received from all corners enables this by keeping termly subs as low as possible for our members and subsidising racing kit. It is very hard, worrying about how many races to participate in due to lack of funds.

The boat club hopes that this will be the start of a long relationship benefiting both parties, and would like to thank Barclays very much for the sponsorship.


Leaflets for coxing/rowing with MECBC

Thanks to all those who made it to our Boatie Tea this afternoon, it was great to meet so many keen new faces! For those who haven't managed to make it, no worries– here's some leaflets that will give you more information about coxing or rowing with MECBC, and you can still sign up for a taster session (see post below). Do hurry though, we plan to run the taster sessions this weekend and need to know numbers soon.

coxing brochure.pdf Download this file

Rowing Brochure.pdf Download this file

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