Lent Bumps 2011 Tuesday results

W1 up 1, W2 down 1

W1: Unnerving as it is to start next to the cannon and having only one bank party (who nearly forgot to get the pole to push us out as he was busy counting down), we had a fairly strong start, getting one whistle right away. From then it moved steadily up to two and three whistles, where we hit dirty water and became slightly scrappy, allowing Jesus II to hold us off for another ten strokes or so. Still, the inevitable came right after first post, where we bumped them. Row up and most of row back was fairly solid, so all bodes well for Thursday.

W2: Day of misfortunes!
 – lots of people needing subs
 – one of our subs dropped ill so we didn't have a crew until 10 mins before we had to marshal
 – luckily M4 had a rerow so we weren't too late. Lots of waiting around on the reach though.
 – while we were catching up on Tit Hall after the start, Peterhouse crashed into the bank ahead of them so Tit Hall bumped up
 – while we were pushing away from Lucy Cav, one of our blades came out of the gate.
 – Lucy Cav caught up just after we got our blade back in after the motorway bridge
 – while trying to park we mounted the bank
 – while we were trying to unmount Harald the bow snapped 🙁
 – GAH

Aftermath: Bomber taped up the bow and we rowed home with only stern 4.

 – row up was pretty decent
 – start was good
 – we were obviously faster than the boats either side of us
So, bring on Wednesday. It won't be in Harald, but we'll tank down Lucy Cav with Winston!

— Ying

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MECBC Rowers in the Blue Boat 2011

Both Izzi and Tamara have been trialling with CUW this year, and have made the Blue Boat! 

You can view their profiles and follow the run up to the Henley Boat Races on the Blue Boat Blog.

We are incredibly proud of both of them. Both noviced at Murray Edwards/New Hall, trained hard and pushed themselves, and have gone from strength to strength. We wish them luck in the upcoming encounter against the dark blues, and it is very likely that we will be organising a trip to London to see the race on the day! Events will be shown on the calendar on the front page. 

To cover the race expenses they are running a Sponsor a Seat campaign, details can be found here:

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W2 – Lent 2011 Getting On Race

Despite a very long wait at the top of the river due to a barge taking a leisurely cruise up the race course, the race itself flew by. W2 had a smooth start, settled at 32, stayed above 30, and put in a good push till the end. Every girl is pushing hard, while individuals might have missed a stroke here or there, overall the crew has such a strong rhythm that it never really fell apart, making it look almost easy. With a large gap either side of us, we were not distracted by other boats, though it was obvious that we had pushed closer onto Magdalene ahead of us at the finish. Results are out: we got a place!! Bring on bumps.

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Pembroke Regatta

Pembroke Regatta – February 19th

On a day even Noah would have stayed inside, W1 rowed up to Chesterton bridge to marshal for Pembroke regatta. This is a side by side race between the top of the Long Reach and Peter’s Post by the P&E pub.

After a lucky start against Selwyn, where both crews crabbed simultaneously, we managed a 2 length lead by the end and moved on to round 2.

We rowed up to the start line against Corpus W1 a little more confident, and sure enough finished 2 lengths ahead.

Round 3 was against Emma W1. Ahead off the start (a fact their cox sounded quite shocked by), we kept with them along the length off the course. Each crew put in several big pushes, but it was only the last 10 strokes of the course which decided the outcome, and we came out a canvas behind. Amazing work considering they are 3 places from being head of the river this term.

An excellent way to start the 1 week countdown to bumps, and keep up the good work everyone!!

Eve Bonner
Captain of Boats

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Training camp

The week before term began, 2 boats worth of Murray Edwards rowers braved the cold and flooding to get a jump-start on Lents training.With a week that included daily outings and land training (if you’ve ever wondered how many people you can fit in Murray Edwards gym, I think we were close to finding out!), a personal highlight was an afternoon off to head to the bright lights of London town. Cupcakes were tested, Covent Garden explored, Oxford Street plundered. The Victoria Apollo was home to our evening entertainment; Wicked!

Let the planning begin for the pre-Mays camp and trip to the Boat Race,

Eve xx

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Lent 2011 Crews

1st VIII

cox: Akiko Toda
Natalie Barry
Wing Ying Chow
Eve Bonner
Marina Steketee
Gina Dalgleish
Bethan Gudgeon
Nidhi Kulkarni
Sally-Anne Bennett

2nd VIII

cox: Chloe Wallis
Jess O’Driscoll-Breen
Jeny Oates
Pauline Pilote
Amy Crow
Liz Gorton
Reana Maier
Eleanor Dickinson
Holly Smith

3rd Squad

cox: Deborah Fisher
Melissa Brown
Stephania Calabretta
Tehnuka Ilanko
Katrin Kopp
Sophie Madden
Felicitas Parapatits
Natalie Skorupska
Katie Taffler
Jenny Tollmann
Bex Weaving
Yaping Zhang

Peterhouse Formal Swap

Hey everyone,

I know term hasn't actually officially started yet, but I've started to
organise a return swap with the guys from Peterhouse. It will take place at
Murray Edwards on the 1st of February (that late because I didn't want it
to clash with Burns night). There will be 8 places for you, so get

I will need you to send me your full name (in case I don't know it) plus
dietary requirements, by next Friday.

Since I am using the Formal Hall Group Booking Form, you *DO NOT need to
book a ticket* as I will be booking your place for you. What you DO need to
do is give me the money (£8.55, in cash preferably) in advance, as soon as
I've confirmed that you have a place.

Ok that's all,

MECBC Social Sec

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