Last change to get a novice T-shirt!

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noviceTshirts2010.pdf (151 KB)

Remember to fill in the form if you want a novice T-shirt— great for racing in (coxes as well)

Consensus thus far seems to be short sleeves with no collar. Attached is the list of crews as they will appear on the back of the T shirt.

I am ordering these at 10am tomorrow, so remind your friends to get one if you are not sure if they have got one yet. At a push I will accept orders by text, but make sure you text me before 10am! Similarly if you need to have your name changed in spelling, etc, let me know before 10.


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Uni IVs 2010

Well we took to the Cam in what can only be called hurricane winds to compete in the side-by-side 1300m race. First race of the day was with Corpus W1. After a small kafuffel due to the incredible wind, we set off. We were a little behind off the start, but got it together quickly and had clear water by the time we had reached the bend in The Reach. At top finish, we had managed to stretch our lead out to 2 or 3 boat lengths.

A quick Haribo break, and it was time for round 2, this time against Emmanuel W1. We stayed with them off the start, but after a while they pulled away. We kept up a good pace, and managed to gain on them again towards the end, but it was too little too late and they went on to the final.

A good first race of the term, and better things to come.

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Novice swap @ Peterhouse

Dear all,

I am pleased to inform you that your first swap of the term is being organised with Peterhouse novice men on *wednesday 25th october*
As most of you hopefully know by now, this is the college we share our boathouse with, so this should be a good opportunity to get to know some fellow novices a bit!

There are a total of *13* spaces, which will be allotted on a first come-first served basis. If you want to attend, please reply to the following email address: ** stating:
– your name
– your cambridge email
– whether or not you want a vegetarian option
The formal should start around 7-7:30pm, and should cost around £10. I'll send out more details on this.
Please reply to me ASAP, ideally before the weekend.

As I realise there are a lot of novices this term, don't worry if you aren't able to make this swap. Ola and I should be organising plenty more for you (also on other days of the week for those of you that have thursday morning outings!)

On another note, I realise I haven't emailed you yet about money from the pizza night. I've worked out what everyone owes/is owed but don't have the list on me right now, so I'll be sending out an email about this very soon.

Marina (& Ola)
MECBC social secs

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Sign up to become a novice of MECBC

Decided you want to have a go at learning to cox or to row? You have to do these two things:

Sign up here

Fill in a time for tubbing here

n.b. tubbing = an intro session for complete beginners. You will learn more about the equipment and facilities we have, the basic rowing movement, and get to go on the water in a very stable boat with a coach in the boat with you.

Clothing: anything that you can run and do sports in. Ideally, your top should not be too baggy as it may get caught when you are learning to row. No jeans please! And wear some sensible shoes such as trainers or flats, no heels or boots!

You are very unlikely to fall into the river unless someone forcibly throws you in (and we don't do that to novices!)

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Want to learn to row?

Are you coming up to Cambridge and Murray Edwards as a fresher this Michaelmas? Or maybe you have seen us boaties in our stash, and wondered if you can still pick up rowing as a sport?

Here is your chance to find out more, and register your interest: MECBC is holding a Boatie Tea at 3pm, 4 October 2010 at the Walkway.

All are welcome, no experience required — we will teach you all that you need to know to become part of a crew and take part in races. In addition, you will be invited to cocktails and formal swaps with rowers from other colleges. Still unsure? Come talk to us or anyone wearing black and white Boat Club kit during freshers week. Act soon though! Once training is in full swing you may have to wait until Easter term to join us.


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